5 Ways to Keep your Thyroid Healthy
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck, just below the larynx (voice box). The gland releases thyroid hormone, which then goes on to communicate with nearly every cell in the body.
The thyroid sets the metabolic pace for your body. It determines the speed at which your cells operate, including the digestion of your food, rate at which your hair grows, heart beats, calories are burned, muscles contract, and more. There is really nothing in the body that the thyroid is not influencing at any given time.
Nutrition is the foundation of thyroid health. Conventional medicine will only be a bandaid without proper nutrition as a basis.
When it comes to a thyroid that is functioning as it should, the key is to keep your body feeling safe. This means keeping processes steady, stable, and in balance. See below for 5 ways to boost your energy, metabolism, mood, and more through optimal thyroid function.
Eat Food Before (or With) Coffee in the Morning
I know many of you morning coffee loyalists will not want to hear this ☕️, but starting with coffee on a completely empty stomach negatively impacts blood sugar levels. Caffeine causes the body to release sugar into the bloodstream, which triggers the pancreas to deliver insulin. Without food in the stomach, this can lead to a sharp decrease in blood sugar, throwing your body off balance and causing potential sugar cravings later.
Eat Within One Hour of Waking
Eating a breakfast meal within 30 - 60 minutes of waking that contains plenty of protein and healthy fats will help keep blood sugar stable throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be large. Think 1 slice whole grain or sourdough bread, 1/2 avocado, and 1 egg.
Just can’t do food that early? Go for a homemade mineral cocktail instead. My go-to is 12 oz. filtered water, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, and 1/2-1 scoop of collagen protein powder. If there is a morning workout involved, add 4 oz of coconut water or 1-2 tablespoons of honey into the mix.
Eat 1-2 Brazil Nuts a Day (or other selenium-rich foods)
The thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium than any other organ in the body. This key mineral provides an antioxidant defense to protect the thyroid from damaging free radicals.
Brazil nuts are a selenium powerhouse and often considered a food-based selenium supplement. Note: Brazil nuts are not for casual snacking. There is such a thing as too much selenium. Two is plenty!
Not a fan of Brazil Nuts? Go for tuna, halibut, sardines, shrimp, and poultry. Cottage cheese, brown rice, and beans are a few good vegetarian sources.
Include Animal Proteins in your Diet
Thyroid hormones are made partly from the amino acid tyrosine. Foods richest in Tyrosine include beef, pork, fish, chicken, milk, cheese, and yogurt. For vegetarians and vegans, go for beans, seeds (esp. pumpkin and hemp), and wild rice.
Go for Filtered Water
Contaminants found lurking in tap water, such as fluoride, chlorine, and bromide, can deprive the thyroid of its necessary iodine and are often associated with thyroid disorders.
Switching to filtered water doesn’t have to be expensive. I use a Brita faucet filter ($20 on Amazon). Here is a list of some other water filtration and purification options.